May 2022
The Sampling the City project aims to connect with different areas of cultural and academic life within Oxford, allowing alternative voices and narratives to distil into a collaborative work and performance with Shiva Feshareki.
The research project will look at exploring the interconnection of sound with physical space through the use of state-of-the-art spatial audio technologies, as well as how sound can be used as an ‘information vessel’ to connect cultures and histories together, in and around the city.
This is an open invitation from the Music Faculty’s EMPRES group to contribute field recordings that will eventually be part of both an online Oxford sound map, and an original immersive composition/performance with Shiva Feshareki responding to these submissions.
The output of this project will be two-fold:
- Submitted geo-referenced field recordings will contribute to a largescale immersive 3D sound composition and public performance in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford on Friday 25th November 2022.
- All contributions will be featured as part of an online sound map of Oxford. This will be an on-going, ever-growing resource; empirically documenting cultural activity by location, plus narratives, memories and any other representative recordings of the city.
We’d like to hear from composers, artists, musicians, field recordists and all interesting in contributing a story, be it orally, musically, artistically or any other recorded contribution, and from all walks of life.
Participation in two ways:
- We are looking for individuals or groups who can help to collaboratively plan and research specific contributions, focused on community cultural hubs within the city. These collaborators can conduct field work and contribute to the organisation and creative planning of the project outputs. Please contact us to find out more.
- We would like to create a city-wide sound map of Oxford’s cultural landscape as mentioned, and as such are requesting individual public submission of field recordings, tagged with their content and geographic location:
Submissions can be made via WeTransfer to
Sound recordings should be 48kHz/24bit.
Submitted Sound files should be named with a description of the recording, and its geographical location.
Please click the link below to read the Privacy Notice for this Call for Submissions:
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