Saturday 3rd February, 2024
10.30am - 3.30pm
All-day building workshop and sound walk session, led by sound and electronic media artist, Vicky Clarke.
In this session participants will solder an AURA MACHINE, a DIY EMF circuit
that detects Electro-Magnetic-Frequencies and uncovers noise fields and
electrical rhythmic patterns in our environment. Participants will learn about
electronic circuits and components, read schematic diagrams and learn about
artists working with induction technologies.
Practical and hands-on, the session is open to beginners, you will learn how
to solder and hone your technique. Once built we will use our AURA
MACHINE circuits to tune in and listen to the electrical phenomena in the
immediate environment, undertaking a sound walk around the local space,
either listening through headphones or amplifying the noises through mini
10.30 - 12.30_Morning session will be circuit building & sound art history
1.30pm - 3.30_Afternoon session will be soundwalks, improv & recording